Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lagging a bit? Throw on leggings!

Just Google "college fashion don'ts" and I can guarantee you one article of clothing will show up on every don't list: leggings. Fashionistas everywhere rag on these spandex delights, harping on how unflattering, inappropriate and cheap they look.

Well, let's face it. College women have worn leggings, do wear leggings, and ALWAYS WILL wear leggings.

Sometimes, we just want to be comfortable! It's acceptable for boys to wear loose jeans around, why can't we have our comfy pants? Anti-feminism, that's why! But that's another story...

"Leggings are a perfect solution to that rainy day where are you really wanna do is lay in bed," sophomore Lauren Pench said. "They look relaxed but put together at the same time."

The key to making your leggings look chic but not shabby starts with the actual material and fit. Buy a pair that has a little more heft. They should be thicker than stockings, but thinner than nylon workout pants.

Hue makes a great pair of leggings that come in many colors and a very manageable price tag. ShopBop has a great selection as well, while they tend to be pricier.

"I get all my leggings from Wolford at Neimann Marcus," freshman Kasey Fritz said. "Their leggings are my favorite because they are soft but hold up for so long!"

Some don'ts about leggings:
- DO NOT wear "kind of dark, kind of sheer" tights as leggings. Do the bend over test to see if your leggings are see-through.
-DO NOT wear leggings with lace fringe on the bottom. They make your legs look squatty, no matter how tall you actually are.
- DO NOT buy leggings in colors other than neutrals. I remember seeing a girl on campus wearing orange leggings and had to double take to see if she just had a really bad spray tan at Relaxed.

Some would argue that even if you buy a $200 pair of leggings, you'll still look horrendous in them. However, with the right top and accessories, leggings can be chic!

"I love to wear slouchy sweaters with leggings," Pench said. "They balance out the bagginess of the top."

The fact is, you really can wear anything with leggings, as long as it COVERS YOUR BUM. Nobody wants to see an exposed boo-tay out and about, so make sure your sweater/T-shirt/V-neck is long enough.

Urban Outfitters has some great long tunics, like this one. You can even wear tanks with leggings, as long as they are on the longer side, like these from J.Crew.

Note: Buy tees a size larger if you intend to wear them with leggings. There's already enough clingyness on the bottom of your outfit, you don't need anymore at the top!

Last but not least, what shoes do you wear with leggings? Personally, I believe flip-flops and sneakers make leggings look too casual and shabby. I think that your best option are flats.

"Simple flats, like my Steve Madden ones, are the best compliment to leggings," Fritz said. "They make your legs look long and graceful."

Because flats expose the ankle, they elongate the leg, whereas sneakers make them look stubby. Any pair of simple ballet flats will top off your outfit.

Leggings also look great with rainboots (see previous post)!

So don't feel bad next time you just roll out of bed and throw on your ol' favorites. But make sure you follow these tips so you'll look chic and sophisticated in no time!

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